Small Dreams Beat Great Expectations

Small Dreams Beat Great Expectations

Have you heard about The Outsiders Musical? If so, you've likely listened to the song Great Expectations by Brody Grant.

This song describes the grievances that Ponyboy has the night after he got jumped, and his questions are

  1. Will I have an opportunity to succeed in life?
  2. Am I in control?
  3. Is my fate predetermined?
  4. Is this my role in society?
  5. Am I writing the story, or is the story writing me?
  6. Is this story even mine?

These questions can't be answered fully without changing the perspective of the questions. So I've rewritten them to look more like this:

  1. Do all people get an equal opportunity to succeed in life?
  2. Who is in control?
  3. Are people’s fates' predetermined?
  4. What is my role in society?
  5. Who is writing my story?
  6. Who's story is this?

So now, it's possible to answer these questions, and the answers may be controversial for many.

  1. Not everyone will get the same opportunities to succeed. But it is important to take what you get as it is.
  2. God is in control. And it's that way on purpose.
  3. The plan for your life was made before the world was made.
  4. Only God decides that, and he'll tell you if you're in the position he wants you to be in.
  5. God is writing your story, and it's better that he's writing it that you. He knows you better than you think.
  6. This is your story, and God is writing it for you. So don't worry when it's not going your way, because God's way is better.

And now I want to share with you, the song that is the polar opposite of Great Expectations. It is called, Dream Small by Josh Wilson.

And now you know that great expectations are not as important as dreaming small. All you need is prayer and faith.

It's nicely worded in the Bible of how you can get your requests answered, and I think it's perfect for this topic, because Jesus spoke this himself.

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.

That is very powerful in that, you don't have to keep it a secret. God wants you to know that he is all around you, all the time, and wants to hear your concerns, and then he will help you.

Need more proof?

Here is some more music to show you how dreaming small works, and how it's better than big ambitions.